Playing with Node.js modules: node-pate

Pâté is a simple XPath-oriented, express-compatible template engine for Node.js



Bretzel price: $42.56 (CUARENTA Y DOS PESOS CON 56/100)

Source code:



Capistrano: Managing an uploads folder

I just found a useful Capistrano recipe for keeping user generated content (a.k.a. uploads) persistent between deployments:

EDIT: I would like to extend the script to many folders. Any idea?

Capistrano as my default deployment tool

In the last post (a whiiile ago) I described my Git workflow to deploy my production server. One of the drawbacks was that everytime I pushed changes to the main repo I had to manually log in my Dreamhost shared host via SSH and then: 1) pull changes, 2) migrate database schema, 3) rebuild sphinx index, 4) restart passenger server. I wrote a bash script to get the job done, but it was prone to errors and not elegant, so I decided to give Capistrano a try.

After reading the Getting Started and From the Beginning guides I got a good idea of what to do next. Basically my setup is as follows:

File: benoror@macmini:~/simpleapp/Capfile

File: benoror@macmini:~/simpleapp/config/deploy.rb

So now when I make changes to the code I simply follow this workflow in my local machine:

  1. git add . && git commit -a -m "Commit Msg" && git push
  2. cap deploy
  3. cap deploy:migrate

That's it!

The next step is to setup a staging server, until then see you soon ...